Kevin Kelly Retires, Stacey Brigham to Succeed
KEVIN KELLY, TCA's Regulatory Director for the past 12 years, will retire on December 31, 2018
Colorado Springs, CO, August 17, 2018 – Kevin joined TCA more than 20 years ago and has spent his entire career in the telecommunications industry. His efforts in representing TCA clients before both state and federal regulators have contributed significantly to their success. In addition to representing TCA clients, Kevin has been a strong industry advocate serving extensively on numerous industry committees and has many friends and contacts throughout the telecommunications regulatory community. Kevin plans to spend the remainder of his time at TCA assisting his team with a smooth succession transition. Please join all of us at TCA in congratulating Kevin for his service to TCA and to our clients. We wish he and Mary the best in their retirement and future exciting adventures!
STACEY BRIGHAM to succeed Kevin Kelly as TCA's Regulatory Director
TCA is also happy to announce that Stacey Brigham will succeed Kevin on January 1, 2019 as our new Regulatory Director. Stacey has been at TCA for over 10 years and a member of the Regulatory Team for the past 8 years. In this capacity Stacey has continued to expand her leadership role within the industry and with clients. She has been instrumental in meeting with the FCC and in the development of TCA’s approach to Federal Regulatory Policy as the FCC deals with the reform of the Universal Service Fund. Stacey has also been involved in commenting to the FCC on current regulatory issues, providing testimony on state regulatory issues, has been a frequent speaker at national, state, and TCA conferences, writing for TCA’s monthly Regulatory View, and leading TCA’s Live monthly webinars. Stacey is excited for this opportunity to lead the TCA regulatory team into the future.